Hitech eSmart

Case Studies

Ferrartis Case Studies

Here are some in depth examples of our products and projects we have undertaken.

Bogie Stacking System

Titan 9: Bogie Stacking System allows for wheel rotation in situ

The conventional method of stacking train bogies is to have each bogie positioned on top of another bogie.

Rail storage solution

Midas 4T: Dynamic Wheelset Carrier Systems to enable wheel rotation in storage

The storage of wheelsets has traditionally been on racking that does not allow for the easy inspection and rotation of the wheels.

Transportation Stillage

Ultima – BCR: Transportation Stillage provides security and increased haulage capacity

The transportation of train seats from the supplier in Spain to the UK required a more secure means of transport to prevent the items being vandalised or damaged in transit as well to increase the number of units that could be shipped in a haulage vehicle.


HVAC Carrier for Cab and Saloon models with extra strength and space saving

The design challenge for Ferrartis was to improve the structural integrity of an existing storage frame for train air conditioning units and to be able to stack the frames 5 units high.

Ferrartis Axle Carriers

Axle Storage – 2 and 4 set with end full protection

The design and manufacturing challenge was to create train axle storage units that could accommodate 2 or 4 axle sets that offered full protection of the axle and was also stackable 5 high.

Transportation Stillage

Falcon 2 (SL or WH): Rail lifting hoist provides improved performance and greater safety

Ferrartis were asked to improve the design and performance of an existing winch which was used on the front of a track maintenance vehicle to lift rails.

Working with

Proud to work with the following clients:

Our Clients